Lecture 10: Similarity Metrics and Supervised Learning for Text

Jack Blumenau

Motivating Example

How similar are these two modules?

[1] "Causal Inference (PUBL0050)"
[1] "This course provides an introduction to statistical methods used for causal inference in the social sciences. We will be concerned with understanding how and when it is possible to make causal claims in empirical research. In particular, we will focus on understanding which assumptions are necessary for giving research a causal interpretation, and on learning a range of approaches that can be used..."
[1] "Quantitative Text Analysis for Social Science (PUBL0099)"
[1] "Growth of text data in recent years, and the development of a set of sophisticated tools for analysing that data, offers important opportunities for social scientists to study questions that were previously amenable to only qualitative analyses.\n\nThis module will allow students to take advantage of these opportunities by providing them with an understanding of, and ability to apply, tools of quantitative text analysis..."

We will use data from the universe of modules taught at UCL to evaluate the similarity between these courses.

Module Catalogue


Vector Space Model

  • We previously represented our text data as a document-feature matrix

    • Rows: Documents
    • Columns: Features
  • Each document is therefore described by a vector of word counts

  • This representation allows us to measure several important properties of our documents

Vectors notation

We denote a vector representation of a document using a bold letter:

\[\mathbf{a} = \{a_1, a_2, ...,a_J\} \]

where \(a_1\) is the number of times feature \(1\) appears in the document, \(a_2\) is the number of times feature 2 appears in the document, and so on.


  • Idea: Each document can be represented by a vector of (weighted) feature counts, and that these vectors can be evaluated using similarity metrics

  • A document’s vector is simply (for now) it’s row in the document-feature matrix

  • Key question: how do we measure distance or similarity between the vector representation of two (or more) different documents?


There are many different metrics we might use to capture similarity/difference between texts:

  1. Edit distances

  2. Inner product

  3. Euclidean distance

  4. Cosine similarity

The choice of metric comes down to an assumption about which kinds of differences are most important to consider when comparing documents.

Edit Distance

  • Edit distances measure the similarity/difference between text strings

  • A commonly used edit distance is the Levenshtein distance

  • Measures the minimal number of operations (replacing, inserting, or deleting) required to transform one string into another

  • Example: the Levenshtein distance between “kitten” and “sitting” is 3

    • kitten ➡️ sitten (substitute “k” for “s”)
    • sitten ➡️ sittin (substitute “e” for “i”)
    • sittin ➡️ sitting (insert “g” at the end)
  • In r:

x <- c("kitten", "sitting")

     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    0    3
[2,]    3    0
  • Generally not used in large scale applications because computationally burdensome to implement on long texts

Inner Product

Inner product

The inner product, or “dot” product, between two vectors is the sum of the element-wise multiplication of the vectors:

\[\begin{eqnarray} \mathbf{a}\cdot\textbf{b} &=& \mathbf{a}^T\textbf{b} \\ &=& a_1b_1 + a_2b_2 + ... + a_Jb_J \end{eqnarray}\]

NB: dot product is a scalar

NB: When the vectors are dichotomized document-feature matrices (only 0s and 1s), then the inner product gives the number of features that the two documents share in common.


Imagine three documents with a six-word vocabulary:

causal estimate identification text document feature
Document a 2 3 3 0 0 1
Document b 2 0 0 3 2 3
Document c 1 2 1 1 0 1


Imagine three documents with a six-word vocabulary:

causal estimate identification text document feature
Document a 2 3 3 0 0 1
Document b 4 0 0 6 4 6
Document c 1 2 1 1 0 1

The inner product of the \(\textbf{a}\) and \(\textbf{b}\) word vectors:

\[\begin{eqnarray} \mathbf{a}\cdot\textbf{b} &=& 2\times 2 + 3\times0 + 3\times0 + 0 \times 3 + 0 \times 2 + 1 \times 3\\ \mathbf{a}\cdot\textbf{b} &=& 4 + 3 \\ \mathbf{a}\cdot\textbf{b} &=& 7 \end{eqnarray}\]

The inner product of the \(\textbf{a}\) and \(\textbf{c}\) word vectors:

\[\begin{eqnarray} \mathbf{a}\cdot\textbf{c} &=& 2\times 1 + 3\times 2 + 3\times 1 + 0 \times 1 + 0 \times 0 + 1 \times 1\\ \mathbf{a}\cdot\textbf{c} &=& 2 + 6 + 3 + 1 \\ \mathbf{a}\cdot\textbf{c} &=& 12 \end{eqnarray}\]

Comparing across document pairs:

\[\begin{eqnarray} \mathbf{a}\cdot\textbf{b} &=& 7 \\ \mathbf{a}\cdot\textbf{c} &=& 12 \end{eqnarray}\]

\(\mathbf{a}\cdot\textbf{c} > \mathbf{a}\cdot\textbf{b}\) and so C is more similar than B is to document A.

But! Notice that the inner product is sensitive to document length. What happens if we multiply the word counts in document B by 2?

The new inner product of the \(\textbf{a}\) and \(\textbf{b}\) word vectors:

\[\begin{eqnarray} \mathbf{a}\cdot\textbf{b} &=& 2\times 4 + 3\times 0 + 3\times 0 + 0 \times 6 + 0 \times 4 + 1 \times 6\\ \mathbf{a}\cdot\textbf{b} &=& 8 + 6 \\ \mathbf{a}\cdot\textbf{b} &=& 14 \end{eqnarray}\]

Comparing across document pairs:

\[\begin{eqnarray} \mathbf{a}\cdot\textbf{b} &=& 14 \\ \mathbf{a}\cdot\textbf{c} &=& 12 \end{eqnarray}\]

Now \(\mathbf{a}\cdot\textbf{c} < \mathbf{a}\cdot\textbf{b}\) and so B is more similar than C is to document A!

Euclidean Distance

Euclidean Distance

The Euclidean Distance between two document vectors, \(\mathbf{a}\) and \(\mathbf{b}\), is given by:

\[\begin{eqnarray} d(\mathbf{a},\textbf{b}) &=& \sqrt{\sum_{j=1}^J(a_j - b_j)^2}\\ &=&\left|\left| \mathbf{a}-\mathbf{b} \right|\right| \end{eqnarray}\]

Where \(J\) is the total number of features in the dfm.

  • The Euclidean distance is based on the Pythagorean theorem

  • Similar problem to the inner product: sensitive to document length

Euclidean Distance Illustration

Euclidean Distance Illustration

Cosine Similarity

  • Measures of document similarity should not be sensitive to the number of words in each of the documents

    • We don’t want long documents to be “more similar” than shorter documents just as a function of length
  • A natural way to adapt the inner product measure is to normalise by document length, which we do by calculating the magnitude of the document vectors

  • Cosine similarity is a measure of similarity that is based on the normalized inner product of two vectors

  • It can be interpreted as…

    • …a normalized version of the inner product or Euclidean distance

    • …the cosine of the angle between the two vectors

Cosine Similarity

Cosine similarity

The cosine similarity (\(cos(\theta)\)) between two vectors \(\textbf{a}\) and \(\textbf{b}\) is defined as:

\[cos(\theta) = \frac{\mathbf{a} \cdot \mathbf{b}}{\left|\left| \mathbf{a} \right|\right| \left|\left| \mathbf{b} \right|\right|}\]

where \(\theta\) is the angle between the two vectors and \(\left| \left| \mathbf{a} \right| \right|\) and \(\left| \left| \mathbf{b} \right| \right|\) are the magnitudes of the vectors \(\mathbf{a}\) and \(\mathbf{b}\), respectively.

Vector Magnitude (or “length”)

The magnitude of a vector (also known as the “length”) is the square-root of the inner product of the vector with itself:

\[\begin{eqnarray} \left|\left| \mathbf{a} \right|\right| &=& \sqrt{\textbf{a}\cdot\textbf{a}}\\ &=& \sqrt{a_1^2 + a_2^2 + ... + a_J^2} \end{eqnarray}\]


The value of cosine similarity ranges from -1 to 1

  • A value of 1 indicates that the vectors are identical
  • A value of 0 indicates that the vectors are orthogonal (i.e., not similar at all)
  • A value of -1 indicating that the vectors are diametrically opposed.

Thus, the closer the value is to 1, the more similar the vectors are.

Calculated for vectors of word counts (or any positively-valued vectors), the cosine similarity ranges from 0 to 1.

Cosine Similarity Illustration

Cosine Similarity Illustration

Cosine Similarity Illustration

Module Catalogue Data

tibble [6,248 × 10] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
 $ teaching_department   : chr [1:6248] "Greek and Latin" "Greek and Latin" "Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction" "Bartlett School of Architecture" ...
 $ level                 : num [1:6248] 5 4 7 5 7 7 4 7 7 7 ...
 $ intended_teaching_term: chr [1:6248] "Term 1|Term 2" "Term 1" "Term 1" "Term 2" ...
 $ credit_value          : chr [1:6248] "15" "15" "15" "30" ...
 $ mode                  : chr [1:6248] "" "" "" "" ...
 $ subject               : chr [1:6248] "Ancient Greek|Ancient Languages and Cultures|Classics" "Ancient Greek|Ancient Languages and Cultures|Classics" "" "" ...
 $ keywords              : chr [1:6248] "ANCIENT GREEK|LANGUAGE" "ANCIENT GREEK|LANGUAGE" "Infrastructure finance|Financial modelling|Investment" "DESIGN PROJECT ARCHITECTURE" ...
 $ title                 : chr [1:6248] "Advanced Greek A (GREK0009)" "Greek for Beginners A (GREK0002)" "Infrastructure Finance (BCPM0016)" "Design Project (BARC0135)" ...
 $ module_description    : chr [1:6248] "Teaching Delivery: This module is taught in 20 bi-weekly lectures and 10 weekly PGTA-led seminars.\n\nContent: "| __truncated__ "Teaching Delivery: This module is taught in 20 bi-weekly lectures and 30 tri-weekly PGTA-led seminars.\n\nConte"| __truncated__ "This module offers a broad overview of infrastructure project development, finance, and investment. By explorin"| __truncated__ "Students take forward the unit themes, together with personal ideas and concepts from BARC0097, and develop the"| __truncated__ ...
 $ code                  : chr [1:6248] "GREK0009" "GREK0002" "BCPM0016" "BARC0135" ...
modules$module_description[modules$code == "PUBL0099"]
[1] "Growth of text data in recent years, and the development of a set of sophisticated tools for analysing that data, offers important opportunities for social scientists to study questions that were previously amenable to only qualitative analyses.\n\nThis module will allow students to take advantage of these opportunities by providing them with an understanding of, and ability to apply, tools of quantitative text analysis to answer important questions in the fields of social science and public policy.\n\nThe module is centred around three core components of a typical quantitative text analysis project.\nFirst, students will learn to collect text data at scale. Students will study how to scrape text data from the web, and how to use methods such as Optimal Character Recognition to extract digitized text data from printed physical documents.\nSecond, students will learn the various ways in which written texts can be converted into data to use in quantitative analyses. This includes extracting features from the texts, such as coded categories, word counts, word types, dictionary counts, parts of speech, and so on.\nThird, the module covers a range of methods for systematically extracting quantitative information from digitized texts, including traditional approaches such as content analysis and dictionary-based methods; supervised learning approaches for text classification methods and text scaling; and also recent advances in semi-supervised and unsupervised learning for texts, such as topic models and word-embedding models.\n\nThe module has a strongly applied focus, with students learning to collect, manipulate, and analyse data themselves. The module covers a wide range of examples of how these methods are used in the social sciences, in business, and in government.\n\n \n"
modules$module_description[modules$code == "PUBL0050"]
[1] "This course provides an introduction to statistical methods used for causal inference in the social sciences. We will be concerned with understanding how and when it is possible to make causal claims in empirical research. In particular, we will focus on understanding which assumptions are necessary for giving research a causal interpretation, and on learning a range of approaches that can be used to establish causality empirically. The course will be practical – in that you can expect to learn how to apply a suite of methods in your own research – and theoretical – in that you can expect to think hard about what it means to make claims of causality in the social sciences.\nWe will address a variety of topics that are popular in the current political science literature. Topics may include experiments (laboratory, field, and natural); matching; regression; weighting; fixed-effects; difference-in-differences; regression discontinuity designs; instrumental variables; and synthetic control. Examples are typically drawn from many areas of political science, including political behaviour, institutions, international relations, and public administration.\nThe goal of the module is to teach students to understand and confidently apply various statistical methods and research designs that are essential for modern day data analysis. Students will also learn data analytic skills using the statistical software package R.\nThis is an advanced module intended for students who have already had some training in quantitative methods for data analysis. One previous course in quantitative methods, statistics, or econometrics is required for all students participating on this course. Students should therefore have a working knowledge of the methods covered in typical introductory quantitative methods courses (i.e. at least to the level of PUBL0055 or equivalent). At a minimum, this should include experience with hypothesis testing and multiple linear regression.\n"

Question: Which other modules at UCL are most similar to these two modules?

Cosine Similarity – Application


# Create a corpus object from module catalogue data
modules_corpus <- corpus(modules, 
                         text_field = "module_description", 
                         docid_field = "code")

# Convert modules data into a dfm
modules_dfm <- modules_corpus %>% 
                tokens() %>% 

# Calculate the cosine similarity between PUBL0050 and all other modules
cosine_sim_50 <- textstat_simil(x = modules_dfm, 
                             y = modules_dfm[modules$code == "PUBL0050",],
                             method = "cosine")

GREK0009 0.6801510
GREK0002 0.6209725
BCPM0016 0.5782462
BARC0135 0.5060876
BCPM0036 0.4374233
BIDI0002 0.6731816


# Calculate the cosine similarity between PUBL0099 and all other modules
cosine_sim_99 <- textstat_simil(x = modules_dfm, 
                             y = modules_dfm[modules$code == "PUBL0099",],
                             method = "cosine")

GREK0009 0.6773298
GREK0002 0.6985603
BCPM0016 0.6990896
BARC0135 0.5664775
BCPM0036 0.5114095
BIDI0002 0.7100411

Cosine Similarity – Application

Cosine Similarity – Application

Which modules are most similar to PUBL0050?

# Create a new variable in original data frame
modules$cosine_sim_50 <- as.numeric(cosine_sim_50)

# Arrange the data.frame in order of similarity and extract titles
modules %>%
  arrange(-cosine_sim_50) %>%
# A tibble: 6,248 × 1
 1 Causal Inference (PUBL0050)                              
 2 Research Methods and Skills (ANTH0104)                   
 3 Regression Modelling (IEHC0050)                          
 4 Selected Topics in Statistics (STAT0017)                 
 5 Dissertation - MSc CPIPP (PHAY0053)                      
 6 Advanced Photonics Devices (ELEC0109)                    
 7 User-Centred Data Visualization (PSYC0102)               
 8 Introduction to Assessment (MDSC0002)                    
 9 Quantitative Methods and Mathematical Thinking (BASC0003)
10 Core Principles of Mental Health Research (PSBS0002)     
# ℹ 6,238 more rows

Which modules are most similar to PUBL0099?

# Create a new variable in original data frame
modules$cosine_sim_99 <- as.numeric(cosine_sim_99)

# Arrange the data.frame in order of similarity and extract titles
modules %>%
  arrange(-cosine_sim_99) %>%
# A tibble: 6,248 × 1
 1 Quantitative Text Analysis for Social Science (PUBL0099)               
 2 Archaeological Glass and Glazes (ARCL0099)                             
 3 User-Centred Data Visualization (PSYC0102)                             
 4 Understanding and Analysing Data (SESS0006)                            
 5 Understanding and Analysing Data (SEES0107)                            
 6 Data Analysis (POLS0010)                                               
 7 Laboratory and Instrumental Skills in Archaeological Science (ARCL0170)
 8 The Anthropology of Violent Aftermaths (ANTH0136)                      
 9 Fashion Cultures (LITC0044)                                            
10 Anthropology of Politics, Violence and Crime (ANTH0175)                
# ℹ 6,238 more rows

Misleading Word Counts

Why do we recover so many strange matches for our PUBL0050 and PUBL0099 documents?

Let’s compare the most common features of the following four modules:

PUBL0099 – Quantitative Text Analysis for Social Science

topfeatures(modules_dfm[modules$code=="PUBL0099",], 8)
   ,  and   of   to    .  the   in text 
  21   12   12   11   10   10    8    8 

PUBL0050 – Causal Inference

topfeatures(modules_dfm[modules$code=="PUBL0050",], 8)
  .  in   ,  to and the  of   ; 
 14  11  11  10   9   9   8   8 

ELEC0109 – Advanced Photonics Devices

topfeatures(modules_dfm[modules$code=="ELEC0109",], 8)
and   ,  of the   ;   .  to  in 
104 100  77  77  62  55  51  48 

ARCL0099 – Archaeological Glass and Glazes

topfeatures(modules_dfm[modules$code=="ARCL0099",], 8)
   ,  the   of  and   to    .   in this 
  27   24   23   20   17   16    9    6 

Feature selection matters! Similarities here are being driven by substantively unimportant words.

One solution would be to remove stopwords and try again. An alternative is to use weighted vector representations.

Weighted Vectors

  • The bag-of-words representation characterises documents according to the raw counts of each word

  • The critical problem with using raw term frequency is that all terms are considered equally important when it comes to assessing similarity

  • One way of avoiding this problem is to weight the vectors of word counts in ways that make our text representations more informative

  • There are several strategies for weighting the word vectors that represent our documents, the most common of which is tf-idf weighting

Tf-idf intuition

  • Tf-idf stands for “term-frequency-inverse-document-frequency”

  • Tf-idf weighting can improve our representations of documents because it assigns higher weights to…

    • … words that are common in a given document (“term-frequency”) and
    • … words that are rare in the corpus as a whole (“inverse-document-frequency”)
  • Down-weighed words include…

    • …stop words (e.g. and, if, the, but, etc) and also…
    • … terms that are domain-specific but used frequently across documents (e.g. module, class, assessment, exam)
  • Up-weighted terms are therefore those words that are more distinctive and thus are more useful for characterising a given text


Term-frequency-inverse-document-frequency (tf-idf)

The tf-idf weighting scheme assigns to feature \(j\) a weight in document \(i\) according to:

\[\begin{eqnarray} \text{tf-idf}_{i,j} &=& W_{i,j} \times idf_j \\ &=& W_{i,j} \times log(\frac{N}{df_j}) \end{eqnarray}\]

  • \(W_{i,j}\) is the number of times feature \(j\) appears in document \(i\)
  • \(df_j\) is the number of documents in the corpus that contain feature \(j\)
  • \(N\) is the total number of documents

NB: tf-idf is specific to a feature in a document


\(\text{tf-idf}_{i,j}\) will be…

  1. …highest when feature \(j\) occurs many times in a small number of documents

  2. …lower when feature \(j\) occurs few times in a document, or occurs in many documents

  3. …lowest when feature \(j\) occurs in virtually all documents

We use \(log(\frac{N}{df_j})\) rather than \(\frac{N}{df_j}\) in order to avoid extremely large weights on extremely rare words.

Tf-idf – Application

# Convert modules data into a dfm *with tf-idf wieghts*
modules_dfm_tfidf <- modules_corpus %>% 
                        tokens() %>% 
                        dfm() %>% 

Document-feature matrix of: 6,248 documents, 35,483 features (99.68% sparse) and 8 docvars.
docs        teaching delivery       :      this    module        is   taught
  GREK0009 0.8071821 1.083091 2.74080 0.3076292 0.5888072 0.3026049 1.791841
  GREK0002 1.6143641 1.083091 1.64448 0.0769073 0.3680045 0.1513024 1.791841
  BCPM0016 0         1.083091 0.54816 0.2307219 0.2208027 0.1513024 0       
  BARC0135 0         0        0.82224 0.0769073 0         0.3026049 0       
  BCPM0036 0         0        1.09632 0.0769073 0.0736009 0         0       
  BIDI0002 0         0        0.27408 0.2307219 0.2944036 0.1513024 0       
docs               in       20 bi-weekly
  GREK0009 0.43350179 1.851258  2.453318
  GREK0002 0.07881851 1.851258  2.453318
  BCPM0016 0.03940925 0         0       
  BARC0135 0          0         0       
  BCPM0036 0.03940925 0         0       
  BIDI0002 0.15763701 0         0       
[ reached max_ndoc ... 6,242 more documents, reached max_nfeat ... 35,473 more features ]

Tf-idf – Application

What are the features with the highest tf-idf scores for our four modules?

PUBL0099 – Quantitative Text Analysis for Social Science

topfeatures(modules_dfm_tfidf[modules$code=="PUBL0099",], 8)
        text    digitized quantitative       counts         data   extracting 
   11.992607     7.591482     5.431962     5.363595     5.185216     4.831060 
     collect        texts 
    4.049778     4.030291 

PUBL0050 – Causal Inference

topfeatures(modules_dfm_tfidf[modules$code=="PUBL0050",], 8)
      causal    causality   regression            ;      methods       expect 
    7.093132     5.183242     5.065593     4.634490     4.512744     4.344983 
quantitative       claims 
    4.073971     3.979122 

ELEC0109 – Advanced Photonics Devices

topfeatures(modules_dfm_tfidf[modules$code=="ELEC0109",], 8)
            ;       optical         laser        lasers semiconductor 
     35.91729      35.64063      31.79536      28.92651      26.55579 
     photonic        liquid       devices 
     25.16167      24.78914      24.23796 

ARCL0099 – Archaeological Glass and Glazes

topfeatures(modules_dfm_tfidf[modules$code=="ARCL0099",], 8)
        glass        glazes      pigments         beads     materials 
    14.753215      7.591482      6.989422      6.637240      5.632121 
chronological     siliceous    ornamental 
     4.285057      3.795741      3.795741 

Tf-idf cosine similarity

# Calculate the cosine similarity between PUBL0050 and all other modules
cosine_sim_tfidf_50 <- textstat_simil(x = modules_dfm_tfidf, 
                             y = modules_dfm_tfidf[modules$code == "PUBL0050",],
                             method = "cosine")

# Calculate the cosine similarity between PUBL0099 and all other modules
cosine_sim_tfidf_99 <- textstat_simil(x = modules_dfm_tfidf, 
                             y = modules_dfm_tfidf[modules$code == "PUBL0099",],
                             method = "cosine")

Tf-idf – Application

Cosine Similarity – Application

Which modules are most similar to PUBL0050?

# Create a new variable in original data frame
modules$cosine_sim_tfidf_50 <- as.numeric(cosine_sim_tfidf_50)

# Arrange the data.frame in order of similarity and extract titles
modules %>%
  arrange(-cosine_sim_tfidf_50) %>%
# A tibble: 6,248 × 1
 1 Causal Inference (PUBL0050)                               
 2 Causal Analysis in Data Science (POLS0012)                
 3 Advanced Quantitative Methods (PHDE0084)                  
 4 Quantitative Data Analysis (POLS0083)                     
 5 Advanced Statistics for Records Research (CHME0015)       
 6 Understanding and Analysing Data (SESS0006)               
 7 Understanding and Analysing Data (SEES0107)               
 8 Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods 1 (IEHC0020)
 9 Statistics for Health Economics (STAT0039)                
10 Introduction to Statistics for Social Research (ANTH0107) 
# ℹ 6,238 more rows

Which modules are most similar to PUBL0099?

# Create a new variable in original data frame
modules$cosine_sim_tfidf_99 <- as.numeric(cosine_sim_tfidf_99)

# Arrange the data.frame in order of similarity and extract titles
modules %>%
  arrange(-cosine_sim_tfidf_99) %>%
# A tibble: 6,248 × 1
 1 Quantitative Text Analysis for Social Science (PUBL0099)                     
 2 Data Science for Crime Scientists (SECU0050)                                 
 3 Understanding and Analysing Data (SESS0006)                                  
 4 Understanding and Analysing Data (SEES0107)                                  
 5 Data Analysis (POLS0010)                                                     
 6 Quantitative Data Analysis (POLS0083)                                        
 7 Literary Linguistics A (ENGL0042)                                            
 8 Analysing Research Data (IOEF0026)                                           
 9 Middle Bronze Age to the Iron Age in the Near East: City-States and Empires …
10 Research Methods - Quantitative (CENG0045)                                   
# ℹ 6,238 more rows

Tf-idf Does Not Solve All Problems

Consider these two sentences:

  • “Quantitative text analysis is very successful.”

  • “Natural language processing is tremendously effective.”

Represented as a DFM:

quantitative text analysis very successful natural language processing tremendously effective
D1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
D2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1

The cosine similarity between these vectors is:

\[cos(\theta) = \frac{\mathbf{a} \cdot \mathbf{b}}{\left|\left| \mathbf{a} \right|\right| \left|\left| \mathbf{b} \right|\right|}=0\]

No dfm weighting scheme can address the core problem: the sentences are formed of non-overlapping sets of words.

We will see one powerful alternative to this problem when we consider word-embedding approaches.

Cosine Similarity Example

Does public opinion affect political speech? (Hager and Hilbig, 2020)

Does learning about the public’s attitudes on a political issue change how much attention politicians pay to that issue in their public statements?

Set up:

  • Politicians in Germany have historically received public opinion research on citizens’ attitudes

  • Release of the polling data is exogenously determined, providing causal identification (via a regression-discontinuity design)

  • Strategy: Measure the linguistic (cosine) similarity between reports summarising public opinion and political speeches

Cosine Similarity Example

Implication: Public statements of politicians move closer to summaries of public opinion after publication of polling research.


Detecting discriminating words

Sometimes we want to characterise differences between documents, not just measuring the similarity between them.

We want to find a set of words that conveys the distinct content between documents.

We might be interested in, for example, how language use differs between…

  1. …politicians on the left and the right (Diermeier et. al., 2012)

  2. …male and female voters (Cunha, et. al., 2014)

  3. …blog posts written by people in different geographic regions (Eisenstein et. al., 2010)

Identifying discriminating words between groups is useful because these words tend to help us characterise the type of language/arguments/linguistic frames that a group employs.

Word clouds

The high-dimensional nature of natural language means that often the best methods for detecting discriminating words are those that allow us to visualise differences between groups.

A very common method for visualising corpus- or group-wide word use is via a word cloud.

  • A word cloud is a visual representation of the frequency and importance of words in a given text.

  • The size of each word in the cloud reflects its frequency or importance within the text.

  • The layout of the words in the cloud is usually random, but it is possible to arrange terms such that their placement reflects some variation of interest

We will use word clouds to explore the differences between Economics and Political Science modules.

Word clouds – Application

# Load library for plotting

# Remove stopwords
modules_dfm <- modules_dfm %>% dfm_remove(stopwords("en"))

# Subset the modules_dfm object to only modules in PS or Econ
ps_dfm <- modules_dfm[docvars(modules_dfm)$teaching_department == "Political Science",]
econ_dfm <- modules_dfm[docvars(modules_dfm)$teaching_department == "Economics",]

# Create word clouds with top 300 features in each dfm
textplot_wordcloud(ps_dfm, max_words = 300)
textplot_wordcloud(econ_dfm, max_words = 300)

Word clouds – Application

Although there are some differences, many words are common across both sets of document.

Can we do better using tf-idf weighting?

Word clouds – Application


# Create a corpus object from module catalogue data
modules_corpus <- corpus(modules, 
                         text_field = "module_description", 
                         docid_field = "code")

# Convert modules data into a difm
ps_econ_dfm_tf_idf <- modules_corpus %>% 
                tokens(remove_punct = T) %>% 
                dfm() %>%

Word clouds – Application

Even with tf-idf weighting, it is hard to identify many of the distinguishing words.

The Problem with Word Clouds

Humans can only visualise a limited number of dimensions:

  • Width (i.e. x-axis position)
  • Height (i.e. y-axis position)
  • Depth (i.e. z-axis position, hard for most people)
  • Colour
  • Shape
  • Size
  • Opacity

Core problem of word clouds: they do not take full advantage of the dimensional space available to them

  • The primary dimensions for visualizing variation (x-axis and y-axis) are meaningless in a word cloud!

  • As a result, word clouds are poorly suited to visualizing differences in word use across documents

Discriminating Words

An alternative approach is to directly visualise the difference in word use across groups.

We need a metric to calculate such differences at the individual feature level. One such approach is to use the difference in tf-idf scores across groups (Munroe, et. al, 2008).

Discriminating words – Political Science v Economics

Political Science Economics
political economics
international year
politics students
rights models
public prerequisites
policy aims
human suitable
global bsc
law knowledge
questions final
institutions assumed
contemporary degree
debates equivalent
democracy microeconomics
conflict econometrics

Discriminating words – Political Science v History

Political Science History
policy history
international please
politics period
rights term
human historical
public sources
questions description
law full
research war
empirical century
theoretical cultural
political religious
institutions content
theories culture
able half

Discriminating words – Political Science v Geography

Political Science Geography
political urban
policy geography
international data
public spatial
politics modelling
rights skills
law change
questions climate
institutions environmental
democracy thinking
gender course
conflict conservation
theories cities
states model
actors water

Example: Fightin’ words

Example: Fightin’ words


Supervised Learning for Text

Motivation - Is this a curry?


What is a curry?

Oxford English Dictionary:

“A preparation of meat, fish, fruit, or vegetables, cooked with a quantity of bruised spices and turmeric, and used as a relish or flavouring, esp. for dishes composed of or served with rice. Hence, a curry = a dish or stew (of rice, meat, etc.) flavoured with this preparation (or with curry-powder).”


  • If a curry can be defined by the spices a dish contains, then we ought to be able to predict whether a recipe is a curry from ingredients listed in recipes

  • We will evaluate the probability that #TheStew is a curry by training a curry classifier on a set of recipes

  • We will use data on 9384 recipes from the BBC recipe archive

  • This data includes information on

    • Recipe names
    • Recipe ingredients
    • Recipe instructions


Our data includes information on each recipe:

[1] "Mustard and thyme crusted rib-eye of beef "
[1] "2.25kg/5lb rib-eye of beef, boned and rolled 450ml/¾ pint red wine 150ml/¼ pint red wine vinegar 1 tbsp sugar 1 tsp ground allspice 2 bay leaves 1 tbsp chopped fresh thyme 2 tbsp black peppercorns, crushed 2 tbsp English or Dijon mustard"
[1] "Place the rib-eye of beef into a large non-metallic dish. In a jug, mix together the red wine, vinegar, sugar, allspice, bay leaf and half of the thyme until well combined. Pour the mixture over the beef, turning to coat the joint evenly in the liquid. Cover the dish loosely with cling film and set aside to marinate in the fridge for at least four hours, turning occasionally. (The beef can be marinated for up to two days.) When the beef is ready to cook, preheat the oven to 190C/375F/Gas 5. Lift the beef from the marinade, allowing any excess liquid to drip off, and place on a plate, loosely covered, until the meat has returned to room temperature. Sprinkle the crushed peppercorns and the remaining thyme onto a plate. Spread the mustard evenly all over the surface of the beef, then roll the beef in the peppercorn and thyme mixture to coat. Place the crusted beef into a roasting tin and roast in the oven for 1 hour 20 minutes (for medium-rare) or 1 hour 50 minutes (for well-done). Meanwhile, for the horseradish cream, mix the crème frâiche, creamed horseradish, mustard and chives together in a bowl until well combined. Season, to taste, with salt and freshly ground black pepper, then spoon into a serving dish and chill until needed. When the beef is cooked to your liking, transfer to a warmed platter and cover with aluminium foil, then set aside to rest in a warm place for 25-30 minutes. To serve, carve the rib-eye of beef into slices and arrange on warmed plates. Spoon the roasted root vegetables alongside. Serve with the horseradish cream."

We also have “hand-coded” information on whether each dish is really a curry:


    Curry Not Curry 
      290      9094 

Defining a curry

head(recipes$recipe_name[recipes$curry == "Curry"])
[1] "Venison massaman curry"             "Almond and cauliflower korma curry"
[3] "Aromatic beef curry"                "Aromatic blackeye bean curry"      
[5] "Aubergine curry"                    "Bangladeshi venison curry"         

A curry dictionary

Given that we have some idea of the concept we would like to measure, perhaps we can just use a dictionary:

## Convert to corpus
recipe_corpus <- corpus(recipes, text_field = "ingredients")

# Tokenize
recipe_tokens <- tokens(recipe_corpus, remove_punct = TRUE, 
                        remove_numbers = TRUE, remove_symbols = TRUE) %>%
                    "tsp","tbsp","goz","oz", "glb", "gâ", "â"))

# Convert to DFM
recipe_dfm <- recipe_tokens %>%
    dfm() %>%
    dfm_trim(max_docfreq = .3, 
             min_docfreq = .002, 
             docfreq_type = "prop") 

topfeatures(recipe_dfm, 20)
   finely     sugar     flour    sliced    garlic    peeled       cut freerange 
     3707      3118      2486      2456      2362      2333      2299      2196 
   leaves     juice     white       red     large     extra    caster     seeds 
     1859      1757      1730      1673      1658      1626      1615      1541 
    small vegetable     onion     plain 
     1498      1493      1485      1450 

A curry dictionary

curry_dict <- dictionary(list(curry = c("spices", 

curry_dfm <- dfm_lookup(recipe_dfm, dictionary = curry_dict)

curry_dfm$recipe_name[order(curry_dfm[,1], decreasing = T)[1:10]]
 [1] "Indonesian stir-fried rice (Nasi goreng)"                       
 [2] "Pineapple, prawn and scallop curry"                             
 [3] "Almond and cauliflower korma curry"                             
 [4] "Aloo panchporan (Stir-fried potatoes tempered with five spices)"
 [5] "Aromatic beef curry"                                            
 [6] "Asian-spiced rice with coriander-crusted lamb and rosemary oil" 
 [7] "Beef chilli flash-fry with yoghurt rice"                        
 [8] "Beef rendang with mango chutney and sticky rice"                
 [9] "Beef curry with jasmine rice"                                   
[10] "Beef Madras"                                                    

Classification Perfomance

Let’s classify a recipe as a “curry” if it includes any of our dictionary words

recipes$curry_dictionary <- ifelse(as.numeric(curry_dfm[,1]) > 0, "Curry", "Not Curry")

confusion_dictionary <- table(predicted_classification = recipes$curry_dictionary,
                                   true_classification = recipes$curry)

confusionMatrix(confusion_dictionary, positive = "Curry")
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

predicted_classification Curry Not Curry
               Curry        95       179
               Not Curry   195      8915
               Accuracy : 0.9601        
                 95% CI : (0.956, 0.964)
    No Information Rate : 0.9691        
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 1.000         
                  Kappa : 0.3164        
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.438         
            Sensitivity : 0.32759       
            Specificity : 0.98032       
         Pos Pred Value : 0.34672       
         Neg Pred Value : 0.97859       
             Prevalence : 0.03090       
         Detection Rate : 0.01012       
   Detection Prevalence : 0.02920       
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.65395       
       'Positive' Class : Curry         

\[\text{Accuracy} = \frac{\#\text{True Positives} + \#\text{True Negatives}}{\# \text{Observations} }\]

\[\text{Sensitivity} = \frac{\#\text{True Positives}}{\# \text{True Positives} + \# \text{False Negatives} }\] \[\text{Specificity} = \frac{\#\text{True Negatives}}{\# \text{True Negative} + \# \text{False Positives} }\]


  • We can pick up some signal with the dictionary, but we are not doing a great job of classifying curries
  • Our sensitivity is a very low
  • We need methods that are better at working out the relationships between words and categories

Supervised Learning vs Dictionaries

Supervised learning methods classify documents into pre-defined categories on the basis of the words they contain.

  • Supervised learning can be conceptualized as a generalization of dictionary methods

  • Dictionaries:

    • Words associated with each category are pre-specified by the researcher
    • Words typically have a weight of either zero or one
    • Documents are scored on the basis of words they contain
  • Supervised learning:

    • Words are associated with categories on the basis of pre-labelled training data
    • Words have are weighted according to their relative prevalence in each each category
    • Documents are scored on the basis of words they contain
  • The key difference is that in supervised learning the features associated with each category (and their relative weight) are learned from the data

  • A major advantage of supervised learning methods is that the weights we estimate are specific to the corpus with which we are working (not true generally of dictionaries)

  • Supervised learning methods will often outperform dictionary methods in classification tasks, particularly when the training sample is large

Components of Supervised Learning

  • Labelled dataset

    • Labelled (normally hand-coded) data which categorizes texts into different categories
    • Training set: used to train the classifier
    • Test set: used to validate the classifier
  • Classification method

    • Statistical method to:

      • learn the relationship between coded texts and words
      • predict unlabeled documents from the words they contain
    • Examples: Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, SVM, tree-based methods, many others…

  • Validation method

    • Predictive metrics such as confusion matrix, accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, etc
    • Normally we use a specific type of validation known as cross-validation
  • Out-of-sample prediction

    • Use the estimated statistical model to predict categories for documents that do not have labels

Creating a labelled datset

How do we obtain a labelled set?

  • External sources of annotation, e.g.

    • Party labels for election manifestos
    • Disputed authorship of Federalist papers estimated based on known authors of other documents
  • Expert annotation, e.g.

    • In many projects, undergraduate students (“expertise” comes from training)
    • Existing expert annotations, e.g. Comparative Manifesto Project
  • Crowd-sourced coding, e.g.

    • Ask random people on the internet to code texts into categories
    • Tends to rely on the “wisdom of crowds” hypothesis: aggregated judgments of non-experts converge to judgments of experts at much lower cost

For the purposes of the running example, we are cheating a bit by assuming that any dish whose title contains the word “curry” is, in fact, a curry.

In a more serious application, we would hand-code individual curry recipes as “curry” or “not curry”, but we are taking a short-cut here.

Naive Bayes Classification

Language Models

  • Probabilistic language models describe a story about how documents are generated using probability

  • This data-generating process is based on a set of unknown parameters which we infer based on the data

  • Once we have inferred values for the parameters, we can reverse the data-generating process and calculate the probability that any given document was generated by a particular language model

  • The Naive Bayes text classification model is one example of a generative language model. In Naive Bayes:

    1. Estimate separate language models for each category of interest
    2. Calculate probability that each text was generated by each model
    3. Assign the text to the category for which it has the highest probability

Language Models

  • The basis of any language model is a probability distribution over words in a vocabulary.

  • A probability distribution over a discrete variable must have three properties

    • Each element must be greater than or equal to zero
    • Each element must be less than or equal to one
    • The sum of the elements must be 1

Language Models

  • Consider a 6 word vocabulary: “coriander”, “turmeric”, “garlic”, “sugar”, “flour”, “eggs”
  • When writing a curry recipe, you will

    • frequently use the words “coriander”, “turmeric”, and “garlic”
    • infrequently use the words “sugar”, “flour”, and “eggs”
  • When writing a cake recipe, you will

    • frequently use the words “sugar”, “flour”, and “eggs”
    • infrequently use the words “coriander”, “turmeric”, and “garlic”
  • We can represent these different “models” for language using a probability distribution over the words in the vocabulary:
Model coriander turmeric garlic sugar flour eggs
\(\mu_\text{curry}\) 0.4 0.25 0.20 0.08 0.04 0.03
\(\mu_\text{cake}\) 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.26 0.4 0.3
  • Note that no word has a probability of 0 under either model

Language Models

Model coriander turmeric garlic sugar flour eggs
\(\mu_\text{curry}\) 0.4 0.25 0.20 0.08 0.04 0.03
\(\mu_\text{cake}\) 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.26 0.4 0.3
  • Given these models, we can calculate the probability that a given set of word counts (i.e. a document) would be drawn from each distribution

\[P(W_i|\mu) = \frac{M_i!}{\prod_{j=1}^JW_{i,j}!}\prod_{j=1}^J\mu_j^{W_{ij}}\]

  • This is the multinomial distribution
  • \(\mu_j\) is the probability of observing word \(j\) under a given model
  • \(W_{i,j}\) is the number of times word \(j\) appears in document \(i\) (i.e. it is an element of a dfm)
  • \(M_i\) is the total number of words in document \(i\)
  • \(!\) is the factorial operator \((n! = n \times (n-1) \times (n-2) \times ... \times 1)\)

Language Models

Model coriander turmeric garlic sugar flour eggs
\(\mu_\text{curry}\) 0.4 0.25 0.20 0.08 0.04 0.03
\(\mu_\text{cake}\) 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.26 0.4 0.3

Imagine we have two documents represented by the following DFM

Document coriander turmeric garlic sugar flour eggs
\(W_1\) 6 2 1 1 0 0
\(W_2\) 1 0 0 4 2 3

Which language model is most likely to have produced each document?

\[P(W_1|\mu_\text{curry}) = \frac{M_i!}{\prod_{j=1}^JW_{1,j}!}\prod_{j=1}^J\mu_j^{W_{1,j}} = \frac{10!}{(6!)(2!)(1!)(1!)}\times(.4)^6\times(.25)^2\times(.2)^1\times(.08)^1 = 0.01\]

\[P(W_1|\mu_\text{cake}) = \frac{M_i!}{\prod_{j=1}^JW_{1,j}!}\prod_{j=1}^J\mu_j^{W_{1,j}} = \frac{10!}{(6!)(2!)(1!)(1!)}\times(.02)^6\times(.01)^2\times(.01)^1\times(.26)^1 = 0.000000000000042\]

Implication: The probability of observing \(W_1\) is higher under \(\mu_\text{curry}\) than under \(\mu_\text{cake}\).

\[P(W_2|\mu_\text{curry}) = \frac{M_i!}{\prod_{j=1}^JW_{2,j}!}\prod_{j=1}^J\mu_j^{W_{2,j}} = \frac{10!}{(1!)(4!)(2!)(3!)}\times(.4)^1\times(.26)^4\times(.4)^2\times(.3)^3 = 0.0000000089\]

\[P(W_2|\mu_\text{cake}) = \frac{M_i!}{\prod_{j=1}^JW_{2,j}!}\prod_{j=1}^J\mu_j^{W_{2,j}} = \frac{10!}{(1!)(4!)(2!)(3!)}\times(.02)^1\times(.26)^4\times(.4)^2\times(.3)^3 = 0.005\]

Implication: The probability of observing \(W_2\) is higher under \(\mu_\text{cake}\) than under \(\mu_\text{curry}\).

Conclusion: Given a set of probabilities, we can work out which model was most likely to have generated any given document.

The likelihood of a document being generated by a given model will be

  • larger when the model gives higher probabilities to the words that occur frequently in the document
  • smaller when the model gives higher probabilities to the words that occur infrequently in the document

Naive Bayes

  • Naive Bayes is a model that classifies documents into categories on the basis of the words they contain

\[P(y_i = C_k|W_i) = \frac{P(y_i = C_k)P(W_i|y_i=C_k)}{P(W_i)}\]

\[{\color{violet}{P(y_i = C_k|W_i)}} = \frac{P(y_i = C_k)P(W_i|y_i=C_k)}{P(W_i)}\]

\[P(y_i = C_k|W_i) = \frac{P(y_i = C_k)\color{violet}{P(W_i|y_i=C_k)}}{P(W_i)}\]

\[P(y_i = C_k|W_i) = \frac{{\color{violet}{P(y_i = C_k)}}P(W_i|y_i=C_k)}{P(W_i)}\]

\[P(y_i = C_k|W_i) = \frac{P(y_i = C_k)P(W_i|y_i=C_k)}{\color{violet}{P(W_i)}}\]

  • \(\color{violet}{P(Y = C_k|W)}\) is the posterior distribution – this tells us the probability that document \(i\) is in category \(k\), given the words in the document and the prior probability of category \(k\)
  • \(\color{violet}{P(W|Y=C_k)}\) is the conditional probability or likelihood – this tells us the probability that we would observe the words in \(W_i\) if the document were from category \(k\)
  • \(\color{violet}{P(Y = C_k)}\) is the prior probability that the document is from category \(k\) – this tells us the probability of the category of the document, absent any information about the words it contains
  • \(\color{violet}{P(W_i)}\) is the unconditional probability of the words in document \(i\) – this tells us the probability that we would observe the words in \(W_i\) across all categories

Naive Bayes

\[P(y_i = C_k|W_i) = \frac{P(y_i = C_k)P(W_i|y_i=C_k)}{P(W_i)}\]

  • Generally, we will want to make comparisons of the probabilities between different classes

    • e.g. Is \(P(y_i = C_\text{curry}|W_i) > P(y_i = C_\text{not curry}|W_i)\)
  • This means that we can drop the \(P(W_i)\) term and just focus on the likelihood and the prior probabilities

\[P(y_i = C_k|W_i) \propto P(y_i = C_k)P(W_i|y_i=C_k)\]

  • where \(\propto\) means “proportional to” (rather than “equal than” for \(=\))

Naive Bayes

\[P(y_i = C_k|W_i) \propto P(y_i = C_k)P(W_i|y_i=C_k)\]

To work out the whether a document should be labelled as belonging to a particular class, we therefore need to work out:

  • the prior probability (\(\color{violet}{P(Y = C_k)}\)) that the document is from category \(k\)

    • This is usually estimated by calculating the proportion of documents of category \(k\) in the training data
  • the conditional probability or likelihood (\(\color{violet}{P(W|Y=C_k)}\)) of the words in the document occuring in category \(k\)

    • We already know that we can calculate this probability from the multinomial distribution!
    • Again, because we are only interested in the relative probabilities of different classes, we can drop the multinomial coefficient

\[\begin{eqnarray} P(W_i|y_i = C_k) &=& \frac{M_i!}{\prod_{j=1}^JW_{i,j}!}\prod_{j=1}^J\mu_{j(k)}^{W_{ij}}\\ &\propto&\prod_{j=1}^J\mu_{j(k)}^{W_{ij}} \end{eqnarray}\]

Question: How do we estimate \(\mu\)?

Naive Bayes Estimation

  • \(\mu_{j(k)}\) is the probability that word \(j\) will occur in documents of category \(k\).
  • We can estimate these probabilities from our training data:

\[\hat{\mu}_{j(k)} = \frac{\color{violet}{W_{j(k)}}}{\color{darkred}{\sum_{j\in V}W_{j(k)}}} = \frac{\text{number of times j appears in category k}}{\text{total number of words in category k}}\]


  • In the curry recipes our training data, we observe…

    • …77 instances of the word “turmeric” (\(\color{violet}{W_{\text{turmeric}(\text{curry})}} = \color{violet}{77}\))
    • …10586 total words (\(\color{darkred}{\sum_{j\in V}W_{j(\text{curry})}} = \color{darkred}{10586}\))
    • …and so \(\frac{\color{violet}{W_{\text{turmeric}(\text{curry})}}}{\color{darkred}{\sum_{j\in V}W_{j(\text{curry})}}} = \frac{\color{violet}{77}}{\color{darkred}{10586}} = 0.007\)
  • In the not-curry recipes our training data, we observe…

    • …148 instances of the word “turmeric” (\(\color{violet}{W_{\text{turmeric}(\text{not curry})}} = \color{violet}{148}\))
    • …210805 total words (\(\color{darkred}{\sum_{j\in V}W_{j(\text{not curry})}} = \color{darkred}{210805}\))
    • …and so \(\frac{\color{violet}{W_{\text{turmeric}(\text{not curry})}}}{\color{darkred}{\sum_{j\in V}W_{j(\text{not curry})}}} = \frac{\color{violet}{148}}{\color{darkred}{210805}} = 0.0007\)
  • The word “turmeric” is about 10 times more common in curry recipes than other recipes

Naive Bayes Estimation – Laplace Smoothing

  • What happens when a given word doesn’t appear at all for one of the classes in our training data?
  • Imagine that we never observe the word “duck” in the curry recipes in our training data

\[\frac{\color{violet}{W_{\text{duck}(\text{curry})}}}{\color{darkred}{\sum_{j\in V}W_{j(\text{curry})}}} = \frac{\color{violet}{0}}{\color{darkred}{10586}} = 0\]

  • Then, in our test data, we observe the following sentence:
> "For this curry you will need to coat the duck legs with 1 tsp ground turmeric"
  • Because we multiply together all the individual word probabilities when we calculate the probability of a sentence occurring in a category, we will get a probability of zero!
  • Solution: Add one to the counts for each word in each category

\[\frac{\color{violet}{W_{\text{duck}(\text{curry})}+1}}{\color{darkred}{\sum_{j\in V}(W_{j(\text{curry})}+1)}} = \frac{\color{violet}{1}}{\color{darkred}{10587}} = 0.00009\]

  • This solution is known as “add-one” or “Laplace” smoothing

Why is Naive Bayes “Naive”?

By treating documents as bags of words we are assuming:

  • Conditional independence of word counts

    • Knowing a document contains one word doesn’t tell us anything about the probability of observing other words in that document
    • e.g. The fact that a recipe includes the word “turmeric” doesn’t make it any more or less likely that it will also include the word “coriander”
  • Positional independence of word counts

    • The position of a word within a document doesn’t give us any information about the category of that document
    • e.g. Whether the word “turmeric” appears early or late in the recipe has no effect on the probability of it being a curry

While this is a very simple model of language which is “wrong”, it is nevertheless useful for classification.

Naive Bayes Classification

The classification decision made by the Naive Bayes model is simple: we assign document \(i\) to the category, \(k\), for which it has the highest posterior probability:

\[ \hat{Y}_i = \underset{k \in \{1,...,k\}}{\operatorname{argmax}} P(y_i = C_k) \times P(W_i|y_i = C_k) \]

where \(\underset{k \in \{1,...,k\}}{\operatorname{argmax}}\) means “which category, \(k\), has the maximum posterior probability”.


  • Assign documents to categories when the probability of observing the words in that document are high given the probability distribution for that category (i.e. when \(P(W_i|y_i = C_k)\) is large)

  • Assign more documents to categories that contain more documents in the training data (i.e. when \(P(y_i = C_k)\) is large)

Naive Bayes Application

nb_output <- textmodel_nb(x = recipe_dfm, 
                         y = recipe_dfm$curry,
                         prior = "docfreq")

textmodel_nb.dfm(x = recipe_dfm, y = recipe_dfm$curry, prior = "docfreq")

Class Priors:
(showing first 2 elements)
    Curry Not Curry 
   0.0309    0.9691 

Estimated Feature Scores:
              beef     boned    rolled     pint      red     wine  vinegar
Curry     0.001378 0.0014925 0.0001148 0.001148 0.011481 0.001607 0.001378
Not Curry 0.003304 0.0006107 0.0004031 0.003847 0.009619 0.007750 0.005154
            sugar  allspice      bay  leaves     thyme peppercorns  crushed
Curry     0.00620 0.0002296 0.002067 0.01378 0.0004592    0.003789 0.009070
Not Curry 0.01872 0.0003420 0.002821 0.01063 0.0048734    0.001826 0.005417
            english     dijon  mustard unsalted      room temperature      lard
Curry     0.0002296 0.0001148 0.005166 0.001493 0.0001148   0.0001148 0.0001148
Not Curry 0.0007023 0.0009832 0.002803 0.004953 0.0005741   0.0005924 0.0004153
             plain    flour   white    water   chilled     icing  chicken
Curry     0.004822 0.006085 0.00287 0.007003 0.0001148 0.0003444 0.005855
Not Curry 0.008611 0.014871 0.01042 0.006693 0.0005863 0.0023573 0.007035
              cut   pieces
Curry     0.01297 0.005511
Not Curry 0.01336 0.003786

Naive Bayes Application

Recall that we are interested in the probability of observing word \(j\) given class \(k\), i.e. 

\[\mu_{j(k)} = \frac{W_{j(k)}}{\sum_{j\in V}W_{j(k)}}\]

What are these word probabilities for our curry data?

We can examine the probability of each word given each class using the coef() function on the nb_train object.

              Curry    Not Curry
beef   0.0013777268 0.0033038975
boned  0.0014925373 0.0006107019
rolled 0.0001148106 0.0004030633
pint   0.0011481056 0.0038474222
red    0.0114810563 0.0096185556
wine   0.0016073479 0.0077498076

Naive Bayes Application

Words with highest probability in the “curry” class (i.e. \(P(w_j|c_k = \text{``curry''})\)):

head(sort(coef(nb_output)[,1], decreasing = TRUE), 20)
      seeds      finely   coriander      peeled      garlic   vegetable 
0.030080367 0.023191734 0.020551091 0.018025258 0.016647532 0.015269805 
     ginger      cloves      leaves       green       cumin         cut 
0.015154994 0.014695752 0.013777268 0.013662457 0.013547646 0.012973594 
     powder      chilli         red    turmeric       onion       piece 
0.012973594 0.012743972 0.011481056 0.011136625 0.010332951 0.010103330 
     sliced       large 
0.009644087 0.009529277 

Words with highest probability in the “not curry” class (i.e. \(P(w_j|c_k = \text{``not curry''})\)):

head(sort(coef(nb_output)[,2], decreasing = TRUE), 20)
     finely       sugar       flour      sliced      garlic         cut 
0.021417317 0.018724122 0.014870592 0.014498064 0.013551476 0.013362158 
     peeled   freerange      leaves       white       juice      caster 
0.013301088 0.013252232 0.010632321 0.010424682 0.010296435 0.009844515 
      extra       large         red         egg       small       plain 
0.009807873 0.009630770 0.009618556 0.008659754 0.008653647 0.008610897 
      onion   vegetable 
0.008531506 0.008317760 

Naive Bayes Application

What are the class-conditional word probabilities for “Aromatic blackeye bean curry”?

          P(w|curry) P(w|not curry)
seeds          0.030          0.008
finely         0.023          0.021
coriander      0.021          0.005
peeled         0.018          0.013
garlic         0.017          0.014
ginger         0.015          0.005
cloves         0.015          0.008
leaves         0.014          0.011
cumin          0.014          0.002
chilli         0.013          0.006
onion          0.010          0.009
piece          0.010          0.002

What are the class-conditional word probabilities for “Schichttorte”?

          P(w|curry) P(w|not curry)
large          0.010          0.010
sugar          0.006          0.019
flour          0.006          0.015
paste          0.006          0.001
plain          0.005          0.009
lemon          0.004          0.008
freerange      0.003          0.013
eggs           0.002          0.008
zest           0.002          0.005
unsalted       0.001          0.005
caster         0.001          0.010
cornflour      0.000          0.001

Naive Bayes Application

Which recipes are predicted to have a high curry probability?

recipe_dfm$curry_nb_probability <- predict(nb_output, 
                                           type = "probability")

recipe_dfm$recipe_name[order(recipe_dfm$curry_nb_probability[,1], decreasing = T)[1:10]]
 [1] "Bengali butternut squash with chickpeas"        
 [2] "Chickpea curry with green mango and pomegranate"
 [3] "Green coconut fish curry"                       
 [4] "Thai green prawn curry"                         
 [5] "Rogan josh"                                     
 [6] "Bengal coconut dal"                             
 [7] "Tom yum soup"                                   
 [8] "Thai-style duck red curry"                      
 [9] "Peppery hot cabbage salad"                      
[10] "Peppery hot cabbage salad"                      

Which recipes are predicted to have a low curry probability?

recipe_dfm$recipe_name[order(recipe_dfm$curry_nb_probability[,1], decreasing = F)[1:10]]
 [1] "Sticky toffee apple pudding with calvados caramel sauce"
 [2] "Rich moist all-purpose fruit cake"                      
 [3] "Mini stollen "                                          
 [4] "Chocolate fruit cake"                                   
 [5] "Pheasant pithiviers"                                    
 [6] "Spiced poached pears with chocolate pudding"            
 [7] "Traditional Christmas pudding with brandy butter"       
 [8] "Intense chocolate cookies"                              
 [9] "Cookies and cream fudge brownies"                       
[10] "Bonfire night brioche"                                  

Was #TheStew really #TheCurry?

  • The purpose of training a classification model is to make out-of-sample predictions

  • Generally, we have a small hand-coded training dataset and then we predict for lots of other documents

  • Here, we are only predicting for one out-of-sample observation

ingredients <- c("cup olive oil, plus more for serving garlic cloves, chopped large yellow onion, chopped (2-inch) piece ginger, finely chopped Kosher salt and black pepper teaspoons ground turmeric, plus more for serving teaspoon red-pepper flakes, plus more for serving (15-ounce) cans chickpeas, drained and rinsed (15-ounce) cans full-fat coconut milk cups vegetable or chicken stock bunch Swiss chard, kale or collard greens, stems removed, torn into bite-size pieces cup leaves, mint for serving Yogurt, for serving (optional) Toasted pita, lavash or other flatbread, for serving (optional)")

dfm_stew <- tokens(ingredients) %>%
            dfm() %>%
            dfm_match(features = featnames(recipe_dfm))

predict(nb_output, newdata = dfm_stew, type = "probability")
          Curry  Not Curry
text1 0.9611718 0.03882815


Advantages and Disadvantages of Naive Bayes


  • Fast

    • Takes seconds to compute, even for very large vocabularies/corpuses
  • Easy to apply

    • One line of code in quanteda
  • Can easily be extended to include…

    • … multiple categories
    • … different text representations (bigrams, tri-grams etc)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Naive Bayes


  • Independence assumption

    • Independence means NB is unable to account for interactions between words

      • e.g. When the word “eggs” appears with the word “sugar” that should indicate something different from when “eggs” appears without the word “sugar”
    • Independence also means that NB is often overconfident

      • Each additional word counts as a new piece of information
    • In some contexts, the independence assumption can decrease predictive accuracy

  • Linear classifier

    • Other methods (e.g. SVM) allow the classification probabilities to change non-linearly in the word counts
    • e.g. Perhaps seeing the word “eggs” once should have a smaller effect on the probability that the recipe is a curry than seeing the word “eggs” five times


Naive Bayes Application

Before we train a model, we need to separate our data into a training set and a test set:

## Training and test set

train <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), nrow(recipes), replace = TRUE, prob = c(.8, .2))
test <- !train
 1877  7507 
 7507  1877 

How many curry recipes are there in the training and test sets?

## Training and test set


     Curry  Not Curry 
0.03157053 0.96842947 

     Curry  Not Curry 
0.02823655 0.97176345 

Naive Bayes Application

We then subset the recipe_dfm object into a training dfm and a test dfm:

## Naive Bayes

recipe_dfm_train <- dfm_subset(recipe_dfm, train)
recipe_dfm_test <- dfm_subset(recipe_dfm, test)

We then train our Naive Bayes model on the training set:

nb_train <- textmodel_nb(x = recipe_dfm_train, 
                         y = recipe_dfm_train$curry,
                         prior = "docfreq")

And finally, we predict the category of each recipe in the test set:

recipe_dfm_test$predicted_curry_nb <- predict(nb_train,
                                                newdata = recipe_dfm_test,
                                                type = "class")

Naive Bayes Classification Perfomance

confusion_nb <- table(predicted_classification = recipe_dfm_test$predicted_curry_nb,
                      true_classification = recipe_dfm_test$curry)

confusionMatrix(confusion_nb, positive = "Curry")
Confusion Matrix and Statistics

predicted_classification Curry Not Curry
               Curry        38       101
               Not Curry    15      1723
               Accuracy : 0.9382          
                 95% CI : (0.9263, 0.9487)
    No Information Rate : 0.9718          
    P-Value [Acc > NIR] : 1               
                  Kappa : 0.3701          
 Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 2.973e-15       
            Sensitivity : 0.71698         
            Specificity : 0.94463         
         Pos Pred Value : 0.27338         
         Neg Pred Value : 0.99137         
             Prevalence : 0.02824         
         Detection Rate : 0.02025         
   Detection Prevalence : 0.07405         
      Balanced Accuracy : 0.83080         
       'Positive' Class : Curry           


Relative to the dictionary approach we are…

  • …doing a better job on predicting true positives now (our sensitivity is much higher)

  • …predicting too many curries that are actually something else (our specificity is a little lower)

Training-Set and Test-Set Performance

  • The test set and training set accuracy can be very different

  • As a model becomes more flexible…

    • …the training set accuracy will almost always increase
    • …the test set accuracy will sometimes decrease
  • Imagine that we include a very large number of features in our dfm

    • All unigrams, all bi-grams, …, all 5-grams
    • Total number of features \(\approx\) 300k features
  • How does the training/test set accuracy change as we increase the number of features used to train the classifier?

Training-Set and Test-Set Accuracy

Overfitting and Test-Set Accuracy

  • Question: Why does the test-set accuracy decrease when we add additional features?

  • Answer: Because we are now overfitting our data.

  • Overfitting occurs when we find relationships between words (or n-grams) and curries in our training data that do not generalise to our test data

  • In this example, there are some n-gram phrases that appear frequently in the curry recipes in our training set but which never appear in our test-set curry recipes

Feature Training Test
mustard_seeds_tsp 18 0
tsp_black_mustard 15 0
tsp_black_mustard_seeds 15 0
leaves_and_stalks 20 0
black_mustard_seeds_tsp 10 0
coriander_leaves_and 14 0
cumin_seeds_tsp_black 7 0
coriander_leaves_and_stalks 13 0
large_garlic_cloves 9 0
chopped_garlic_cloves_peeled_and 15 0

Test-Set Validation for Feature Selection

  • We can use the test-set performance statistics to select between model specifications

  • We will compare the accuracy, sensitivity and specificity for the following models:

    • Our “original” model (unigrams, no stopwords, trimmed)
    • A “raw” model (unigrams, nothing removed)
    • A “no stopwords” model (unigrams, stopwords removed)
    • A “trimmed” model (unigrams, trimmed)
    • An “n-gram” model (unigrams, bigrams, trigrams)
    • An “n-gram, trimmed” model (unigrams, bigrams, trigrams, words occuring fewer than 10 times discarded)
  • The “best” model is the one which has the highest classification scores

Test-Set Validation for Feature Selection

Test-set validation
Model Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity N features
Original 0.94 0.78 0.95 902
Raw 0.96 0.65 0.97 4214
No stop words 0.96 0.66 0.97 4126
Trimmed 0.94 0.79 0.95 1339
N-gram 0.98 0.51 1 152215
N-gram, trimmed 0.94 0.83 0.94 6072
  • The “n-gram” model has the highest accuracy, but has very low sensitivity

  • The “n-gram, trimmed” model outperforms all other models in sensitivity


  • To calculate the test-set accuracy we randomly allocated observations to the test and training sets

  • If we repeat this process with a new randomization, we will get slightly different test-set performance scores

Original train-test split:

Test-set validation
Model Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity N features
Original 0.94 0.78 0.95 902
Raw 0.96 0.65 0.97 4214
No stop words 0.96 0.66 0.97 4126
Trimmed 0.94 0.79 0.95 1339
N-gram 0.98 0.51 1 152215
N-gram, trimmed 0.94 0.83 0.94 6072

Rerandomization 1:

Test-set validation
Model Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity N features
Original 0.94 0.77 0.95 902
Raw 0.96 0.66 0.97 4214
No stop words 0.96 0.66 0.97 4126
Trimmed 0.94 0.78 0.94 1339
N-gram 0.98 0.45 1 152215
N-gram, trimmed 0.93 0.83 0.94 6072

Re-randomization 2:

Test-set validation
Model Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity N features
Original 0.94 0.78 0.95 902
Raw 0.96 0.65 0.97 4214
No stop words 0.96 0.66 0.97 4126
Trimmed 0.94 0.79 0.95 1339
N-gram 0.98 0.51 1 152215
N-gram, trimmed 0.94 0.83 0.94 6072

Rerandomization 3:

Test-set validation
Model Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity N features
Original 0.94 0.78 0.95 902
Raw 0.96 0.64 0.97 4214
No stop words 0.96 0.69 0.97 4126
Trimmed 0.94 0.78 0.95 1339
N-gram 0.98 0.51 1 152215
N-gram, trimmed 0.94 0.83 0.94 6072
  • The simple validation approach suffers from two weaknesses:

    1. Estimates of test-set accuracy can be highly variable
    2. We are only using a subset of the data to train the model (the observations in the training set)

Implication: We need a method that uses all data for training and generates more stable test-set accuracy.

K-fold Cross-Validation

  • Cross-validation is an alternative to a simple train-test split

  • This approach involves randomly dividing the set of observations into \(k\) groups, or folds, of approximately equal size

    • Typical choices are \(k=5\) or \(k=10\)
  • For each of the \(k\) folds we do the following

    1. Train the Naive Bayes model on all observations not included in the fold
    2. Generate predictions for the observations in the fold
    3. Calculate the accuracy etc of the predictions for the observations in the held-out fold
  • We then calculate the performance metrics by averaging over those computed on each fold

K-fold Cross-Validation Application

get_performance_scores <- function(held_out){
  # Set up train and test sets for this fold
  recipe_dfm_train <- dfm_subset(recipe_dfm, !held_out)
  recipe_dfm_test <- dfm_subset(recipe_dfm, held_out)
  # Train model on everything except held-out fold
  nb_train <- textmodel_nb(x = recipe_dfm_train, 
                         y = recipe_dfm_train$curry,
                         prior = "docfreq")
  # Predict for held-out fold
  recipe_dfm_test$predicted_curry <- predict(nb_train, 
                                             newdata = recipe_dfm_test, 
                                             type = "class")
  # Calculate accuracy, specificity, sensitivity
  confusion_nb <- table(predicted_classification = recipe_dfm_test$predicted_curry,
                        true_classification = recipe_dfm_test$curry)
  confusion_nb_statistics <- confusionMatrix(confusion_nb, positive = "Curry")
  accuracy <- confusion_nb_statistics$overall[1]
  sensitivity <- confusion_nb_statistics$byClass[1]
  specificity <- confusion_nb_statistics$byClass[2]
  return(data.frame(accuracy, sensitivity, specificity))

K-fold Cross-Validation Application

K <- 5
folds <- sample(1:K, nrow(recipe_dfm), replace = T)
get_performance_scores(folds == 1)
          accuracy sensitivity specificity
Accuracy 0.9418182    0.754386   0.9475375
all_folds <- lapply(1:5, function(k) get_performance_scores(folds == k))
          accuracy sensitivity specificity
Accuracy 0.9418182    0.754386   0.9475375

          accuracy sensitivity specificity
Accuracy 0.9389356   0.6923077   0.9463358

         accuracy sensitivity specificity
Accuracy 0.935911   0.7666667   0.9414661

          accuracy sensitivity specificity
Accuracy 0.9420829   0.7704918   0.9478309

          accuracy sensitivity specificity
Accuracy 0.9380252   0.7166667   0.9452278
   accuracy sensitivity specificity 
  0.9393546   0.7401038   0.9456796 

Cross-Validation for Model Selection

5-fold cross-validation
Model Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity
Original 0.94 0.74 0.95
Raw 0.96 0.6 0.97
No stop words 0.96 0.61 0.97
Trimmed 0.94 0.74 0.94
N-gram 0.96 0.21 0.99
N-gram, trimmed 0.93 0.76 0.93
10-fold cross-validation
Model Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity
Original 0.94 0.74 0.94
Raw 0.96 0.62 0.97
No stop words 0.96 0.64 0.97
Trimmed 0.94 0.74 0.94
N-gram 0.96 0.26 0.98
N-gram, trimmed 0.93 0.77 0.93


Naive Bayes is only one supervised learning text-classification method

  • Regularized Logistic Regression

    • Directly models the probability that each document is in class \(k\) using logistic regression

    • Regularization required to prevent overfitting data

    • textmodel_lr in quanteda

  • Support Vector Machines

    • SVMs draw a hyperplane through the multidimensional word space that best separates documents into different classes

    • Can accomodate non-linear boundaries between classes

    • textmodel_svm() in quanteda

  • “Tree-based” Classification Methods

    • Tree-based methods separate classes by segmenting the predictors (word counts) into a number of distinct regions

    • The modal outcome for observations that fall within a given region becomes the predicted category for any observation in that region

    • Like the SVM, this allows for non-linear relationships between features and categories

    • tree package in R

Use Cases of Supervised Learning


Summing Up

  1. Using a vector-based representation allows us to calculate the similarity between documents

  2. Supervised learning for text data allows us to learn the association between words and particular outcome categories

  3. The Naive Bayes model is a simple model that is fast to implement and which, despite some strong assumptions, tends to provide good classification results