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Golden Rules of Coding (for Classwork

Sarah Jewett 2022

The following tips and instructions are based on common errors students have made in the past. The benefit of following them is in becoming a strong coder, easy to collaborate with, and more prone to get partial credit for incorrect answers in assignments.

Notable Functions

Ingrain these in your coding practice as they will become your good friends and make your instructors very happy:

head() and tail()

This will give you the first and last parts of the data.

options(scipen = 999)

This disables scientific notation in R, which can sometimes appear at inconvenient times (such as in plots) or with one variable of the data but not others.


This will eliminate the messages from loading your packages in your document.

R chunk options

R chunks start with ```{r} and end with ``` (resource)

You can create a chunk with a keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + I (OS X: Cmd + Option + I)

You can then use knitr syntax to make each chunk behave a certain way:

Useful for Packages:

USE SPARINGLY – Hiding your results or code can mean getting points taken off:

Good Coding Practices

There are packages like lintr() that help with spelling and continuity in code style within R. There are also style guides you can follow:

RStudio Style Guide | tidyverse Style Guide | Google R Style Guide

Naming Variables

Try to name your variables and data something descriptive and avoid meaningless numbers. As your code gets more complicated, it’s vital not to have to keep scrolling up to remember what variable is doing or means what.

Comment Your Code

Think about how hard it is to learn new code without any comments, and imagine having to do that over and over.

Show Your Work

Presentation of Findings

Imagine your submission as if you will use it to present in a seminar or formal academic setting
Interpret Your Results

Don’t Rush or Wait to Code at the Last Minute

Think of your brain like a computer – it can process tasks in the background, and that includes figuring out how to get unstuck in R!

But, unlike writing an essay, when code doesn’t run, there is no fudging it. Most students, particularly those new to R, don’t thrive coding under last-minute pressure, particularly because of this.

Rushing compromises your ability to learn how to code properly, without cutting corners.

It also means that when you are stuck earlier on, the instructors are available to help you. We can’t, however, come to your rescue at 2am the night before the deadline.

Learning to Troubleshoot

Documentation in R is great, but sometimes it can be too abstract. Learning how to effectively google any error warnings you have, or for external resources that might make things “click” for you and how you learn is important. Sites like stackoverflow and stackexchange are filled with users asking questions as to why their code isn’t working, and you may find googling your exact error message leads to someone else asking what it means.

So, don’t feel bad that you need to Google! There’s a reason this popular programming meme exists:

Note: If you are answering by using someone else’s code, it’s important to cite your source, otherwise it is potentially code plagiarism. NEVER post questions from assignments or exams online to get someone else to answer them for you either!

Last but not least… when in doubt, Restart R and make sure R and RStudio are up to date!