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Classification coding demo

Michael Jacobs 2023-07-15


This coding demo is based on chapter 4.7 of James et al. ‘An Introduction to Statistical Learning’. It works with Smarket - a dataset of stock market data from the ISLR2 package. You may need to first install this package before loading the data.

This data set consists of percentage returns for the S&P 500 stock index over 1, 250 days, from the beginning of 2001 until the end of 2005. For each date, percentage returns for each of the five previous trading days is recorded, (Lag1 through Lag5). Also recorded is Volume (the number of shares traded on the previous day, in billions), Today (the percentage return on the date in question) and Direction (whether the market was Up or Down on this date).

For this coding demo, the goal is to predict Direction (a qualitative response) using the other features.

Logistic regression

First, let’s try to predict Direction using a logistic regression, with all lags and Volume as predictors. We do this using the glm() function. Specifying family = binomial tells R to fit a logistic regression rather than another type of generalised linear model.

# Fit a logistic regression

glm.fits <- glm(
  Direction ~ Lag1 + Lag2 + Lag3 + Lag4 + Lag5 + Volume ,
  data = Smarket , family = binomial

## Call:
## glm(formula = Direction ~ Lag1 + Lag2 + Lag3 + Lag4 + Lag5 + 
##     Volume, family = binomial, data = Smarket)
## Coefficients:
##              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) -0.126000   0.240736  -0.523    0.601
## Lag1        -0.073074   0.050167  -1.457    0.145
## Lag2        -0.042301   0.050086  -0.845    0.398
## Lag3         0.011085   0.049939   0.222    0.824
## Lag4         0.009359   0.049974   0.187    0.851
## Lag5         0.010313   0.049511   0.208    0.835
## Volume       0.135441   0.158360   0.855    0.392
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 1731.2  on 1249  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 1727.6  on 1243  degrees of freedom
## AIC: 1741.6
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 3

Careful how you interpret the output here.

# Exponentiate the coefficients to turn them into odds

## (Intercept)        Lag1        Lag2        Lag3        Lag4        Lag5 
##   0.8816146   0.9295323   0.9585809   1.0111468   1.0094029   1.0103664 
##      Volume 
##   1.1450412

This is still quite difficult to interpret (and is a disadvantage of logistic regression relative to linear regression). But note that interpreting coefficients is only really important if we are interested in inference, not prediction. Let’s move on to thinking about prediction.

We can use the predict() function to predict the outcome of units given we have (a) a pre-trained model (in this case glm.fits); and (b) a dataset with values for all the predictors in that model.

# First, let's apply the predict() function to the training data itself

# Set type = "response" to get predicted probabilities out

pred_probs <- predict(glm.fits, type = "response")

##         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8 
## 0.5070841 0.4814679 0.4811388 0.5152224 0.5107812 0.5069565 0.4926509 0.5092292 
##         9        10 
## 0.5176135 0.4888378

Because we did not supply the predict() function with a newdata argument, it used the training data of glm.fits itself in order to make it’s predictions. In other words, the 10 values in the output above represent the predict probability of the stock market moving upward for the first 10 observations in the Smarket dataset.

How well does our model do at predicting the outcomes of the data it was trained on? Let’s evaluate this using a confusion matrix

# First, lets create a predicted outcome variable
# If pred_prob > 0.5, assign value "Up", else assign value "Down"

pred_outcomes <- ifelse(pred_probs > 0.5, "Up", "Down")

# Now let's compare this to the true value of `Direction` (which is known in the training data)

true_outcomes <- Smarket$Direction

table(pred_outcomes, true_outcomes)
##              true_outcomes
## pred_outcomes Down  Up
##          Down  145 141
##          Up    457 507

Using this confusion matrix, we can see how many observations were correctly and incorrectly classified in each class. From this, we can calculate the proportion correctly (and incorrectly) classified.

# Proportion correctly classified

(145 + 507) / (145 + 507 + 141 + 457)
## [1] 0.5216
mean(pred_outcomes == true_outcomes)
## [1] 0.5216

So our model can correctly predict the direction of the movement in the stock market in our training set in 52.16% of cases.

But we should never use our training set to evaluate model performance, because there is a risk that we overfit our model to our training data, in which case, the model would be better at predicting outcomes on the training data than new data.

Solution: let’s split our data in a training and test set. We will use the training set to train the model, and the test set to evaluate the model.

# Split the data into a training set (data from before 2005) and a test set (data from after 2005)

training_data <- Smarket[Smarket$Year < 2005, ]
test_data <- Smarket[Smarket$Year >= 2005, ]

# Now lets fit the model, this time just using the training set

glm.fits <- glm(
  Direction ~ Lag1 + Lag2 + Lag3 + Lag4 + Lag5 + Volume,
  data = training_data , family = binomial

# And then predict the outcome for the test set
# To do this, we will use the newdata argument this time

pred_probs_test <- predict(glm.fits, newdata = test_data,
                     type = "response")

# And finally, let's evaluate the performance of the model on the test set

pred_outcomes_test <- ifelse(pred_probs_test > 0.5, "Up", "Down")

true_outcomes_test <- test_data$Direction

table(pred_outcomes_test, true_outcomes_test)
##                   true_outcomes_test
## pred_outcomes_test Down Up
##               Down   77 97
##               Up     34 44
# Calculate proportion of test set correctly classified

mean(pred_outcomes_test == true_outcomes_test)
## [1] 0.4801587

Proportion correctly classified in the test set is 48% - which is worse than guessing :(

Naive Bayes

Now let’s try using the Naive Bayes classifier. For this, we will need the e1071 library - again, you may need to install this using install.packages().

# install.packages("e1071")

As with the logistic regression model, let’s train the model using data from before 2005, and test it using data from after 2005. We do this using the naiveBayes() function. <- naiveBayes(Direction ~ Lag1 + Lag2 + Lag3 + Lag4 + Lag5 + Volume,
                     data = Smarket)

When can then use the predict() function in exactly the same way as for the logistic regression model (but this time, to get probabilities, we specify type = "raw").

# ?predict.naiveBayes

pred_probs_test_nb <- predict(, newdata = test_data, type = "raw")

# And finally, let's evaluate the performance of the model on the test set

pred_outcomes_test_nb <- predict(, newdata = test_data, type = "class")

true_outcomes_test <- test_data$Direction

table(pred_outcomes_test_nb, true_outcomes_test)
##                      true_outcomes_test
## pred_outcomes_test_nb Down  Up
##                  Down    2   0
##                  Up    109 141
# Calculate proportion of test set correctly classified

mean(pred_outcomes_test_nb == true_outcomes_test)
## [1] 0.5674603

The proportion correctly classified is now 56.7% - this looks like an improvement! But careful - the model has classified all but 2 observations as “Up”. Of the 111 test set observations with a true value of “Down” only 2 were correctly classified! We therefore need to consider the performance of the model in each class, as well as the average performance across classes.